Send API Documentation

Mx2 Group's API allows you to send Text Messages to your customers via our proprietary system. It uses a simple HTTPS-based Web API and is the only way to communicate with Mx2 Group's platform.

API Endpoint

Mx2 Groups API endpoint is:

Request Payload:

    "apikey": "",
    "cguid": "",
    "cell": "",
    "fname": "",
    "landingPageUrl": ""

All JSON properties are required unless otherwise specified.

Property Description Example Value
apikey Your API key can be found in your account settings. It is 38 character globally unique identifier (GUID). F05A3EAC-989F-4A9C-99EC-16CA72B88D5A
cguid Campaign Guid. This will be provided to you when your account is setup. It is a 38 character globally unique identifier (GUID). 71349011-E13D-43FC-ADB4-DAE215EA5438
cell Customer's cell phone. This must be 10 digit numeric value. 6785551234
fname Customer's first name. This is an alphanumeric value up to 50 characters long. Mike
landingPageUrl (Optional) Customer's landing page. This value must be a url up to 512 characters long and must start with either http: or https:.

Example Request Payload:

    "apikey": "F05A3EAC-989F-4A9C-99EC-16CA72B88D5A",
    "cguid": "71349011-E13D-43FC-ADB4-DAE215EA5438",
    "cell": "6785551234",
    "fname": "Mike"
    "landingPageUrl": ""

Response Payload:

    "status": "",
    "statusMessage": "",
    "subscriberId": ""

Property Description Example Value
status The status of your request. See table below for possible values. error
statusMessage If status = error then statusMessage will contain error reason. See table below for possible values Invalid or missing apikey
subscriberId ID assigned to this campaign/cellphone combination. This subscriberId will be returned in future requests as well as webhook responses. This is an alphanumeric value up to 37 characters. xct7jy

Status Property Possible Values:

Value Description
success Your request has been successfully processed and your message is queued to be sent
error There was a problem processing your request. See the statusMessage for details.
optout The subscriber is on the optout list. The message was not queued.

StatusMessage Property Possible Values:

Value Description
Invalid or missing payload The JSON payload was missing or not well formed. Please check that you are POSTing well formed JSON.
Invalid or missing apikey The apikey value is either missing or is not valid. Please confirm the value or contact support.
Invalid or missing cguid The cguid value is either missing or is not valid. Please confirm the value or contact support.
Invalid or missing cell The cell value is either missing or is not valid. The value must be exactly 10 digits. No spaces, hyphens or paranthesis.
landingPageUrl is not a valid URL If a landingPageUrl value is specified, the value must be a valid URL starting with http: or https: and up to 512 characters long.

Example Success Response Payload:

    "status": "success",
    "statusMessage": "",
    "subscriberId": "xct7jy"

Example Error Response Payload:

    "status": "error",
    "statusMessage": "Invalid or missing apikey",
    "subscriberId": ""